You know, the perfectly arranged figurines portraying the nativity scene like it’s a screenshot clipped from a Hallmark, made-for-TV, magical Christmas movie –
it didn’t look like that.


Though the birth of Christ was a history-splitting event, it wasn’t as neat and clean as we make it out to be. No room at the inn. Animals everywhere. A make-shift manger. God in a barn. It was a mess. The scene was chaos because that’s the reality of what was happening. The light of the world was shining into the darkness of our fallen humanity. God was entering the mess.

As you enter this "most magical time of the year," we want to encourage you to embrace the chaos as well.

Most of us have been taught to treat books with respect, not to damage the binding, fold the pages, or rip out a page that strikes us —
in this case, forget what you've been told.

Create. Destroy. Redeem. is meant to be, well, destroyed. Offering a challenge for each day during Advent, this interactive Advent companion will look nothing like what you started with by the time Christmas rolls around.

In the midst of the doodling, spilling, and tearing, this companion seeks to break open the power of the Beatitudes, orienting them toward Advent and reframing them as an invitation to let grace destroy humanity's feeble attempt to satisfy ourselves apart from God.

Buy it. Rip it. Destroy it. Prepare for Advent like never before. Step into the mess and ready your heart for redemption. Christ is coming.

Want to try it before you buy it? Download a sample here.